Kanji | Hiragana | Katakana |
波 | なみ | ナミ |
Pronunciation: nami
How to Say It Outloud: nah-mee
Usage: Used to describe ocean waves or any kind of waves like sound waves, light waves, etc.
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
The waves of the sea are high.
Kanji | Hiragana | Katakana |
手を振る | てをふる | テヲフル |
Pronunciation: te wo furu
How to Say It Outloud: te woh foo-roo
Usage: Used to describe the motion of waving one's hand.
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
She waved her hand at me.
波なみCommon wordjlpt-n3
Noun- wave
- ups and downs
- Wind wave
振りふりCommon wordjlpt-n1
- swing; shake; wave; swinging
- appearance; behaviour
- pretence (pretense); show; pretending (to)
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- going to restaurant, hotel etc. without a reservation or introduction
- move (dance); postures
- lead in (e.g. to a running joke, asking a question); lead up
- unsewn part of a hanging sleeve on a traditional Japanese woman's garment
- counter for swords, blades, etc.
- not wearing underwear or pants
- Wind
振るふるCommon wordjlpt-n3
Godan verb with 'ru' endingTransitive verb
- to wave; to shake; to swing
Transitive verb
- to sprinkle; to throw (dice)
Transitive verb
- to cast (actor); to allocate (work)
Transitive verb
- to turn down (someone); to reject; to jilt; to dump
Transitive verb
- to abandon; to give up; to ruin
Transitive verb
- to add kana indicating a reading of a word
Transitive verb
- to slightly change headings; to change directions
Transitive verb
- to extract by broiling; to prepare an infusion of; to decoct
Transitive verb
- to carry with great vigor (e.g. a portable shrine)
Transitive verb
- to bring up a topic; to lead to a topic
Transitive verb
- to replace; to substitute
Transitive verb
- to set up a joke for someone else
振り回すふりまわすCommon word
Godan verb with 'su' endingTransitive verb
- to wield; to brandish; to flourish; to wave (about); to swing
Transitive verb
- to display (one's knowledge); to show off
Transitive verb
- to abuse (one's power)
Transitive verb
- to manipulate someone
津波つなみCommon wordjlpt-n1
Noun- tsunami; tidal wave
- Tsunami
- Tsunami
電波でんぱCommon wordjlpt-n2
Noun- radio wave; reception; signal
Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
- saying strange things
- Radio waves
靡くなびくCommon word
Godan verb with 'ku' endingIntransitive verb
- to bend; to flutter; to wave
Intransitive verb
- to yield to; to be swayed by; to bow to; to obey
Godan verb with 'ru' endingIntransitive verb
- to flutter (in the wind); to wave; to flap; to fly
Intransitive verb
- to turn over; to flip over
Intransitive verb
- to suddenly change (attitude, opinion, etc.); to suddenly switch; to alter; to flip
寒波かんぱCommon word
Noun- cold wave
- Cold wave
閃くひらめくCommon word
Godan verb with 'ku' endingIntransitive verb
- to flash (e.g. lightning); to flicker; to glitter; to sparkle; to gleam
Intransitive verb
- to flutter (e.g. flag); to wave; to undulate
Intransitive verb
- to flash into one's mind (e.g. an idea); to come to one suddenly
ウエーブウェーブCommon word
Noun- wave (on water)
- wave (electromagnetic, sound, etc.)
Suru verb
- wave (in hair)
- wave (audience); Mexican wave
- Welle
Noun- shock wave
- Shock wave
Noun- electromagnetic wave
- Electromagnetic radiation
畝ねりうねりCommon word
Noun- undulation; winding; meandering
- swell (of waves); ground swell; surge; billow; roller
猛暑もうしょCommon word
NounNoun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- heat wave; fierce heat
Noun- cycle; wave; frequency
Noun- The Great Wave off Kanagawa (woodblock print by Hokusai); The Great Wave; The Wave
Noun- wave (on the water's surface)
Ichidan verbIntransitive verb
- to swing; to shake; to wave
Intransitive verb
- to veer; to deflect; to lean towards
Godan verb with 'tsu' endingIntransitive verb
- to dash against (of waves); to billow; to roll
Intransitive verb
- to wave (e.g. in the wind); to heave; to pound (of a heart); to undulate
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