Home » Nice To Meet You In Japanese

How to say Nice To Meet You In Japanese?

Pronunciation: Hajimemashite
How to Say It Outloud: ha-ji-me-ma-shi-te
Usage: Used as a standard greeting when meeting someone for the first time.
Example Sentence Japanese:初めまして、田中です。
Example Sentence English:Nice to meet you, I'm Tanaka.
Pronunciation: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
How to Say It Outloud: yo-ro-shi-ku o-ne-ga-i-shi-ma-su
Usage: Commonly used to express a polite request, can be used after introducing oneself to imply 'please be kind to me' or 'let's do our best together'.
Example Sentence Japanese:よろしくお願いします、鈴木です。
Example Sentence English:Nice to meet you, I'm Suzuki. Please take care of me.


初めましてはじめましてCommon wordjlpt-n2jlpt-n1
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
  • nice to meet you; I'm glad to make your acquaintance; how do you do?
  • how do you do?; nice to meet you
  • adieu; farewell; bon voyage
Aura Ruggeri

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