Japanese Cuisine

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  • How Many Calories In Ramen

    How Many Calories In Ramen?

    Ramen is a Japanese noodle dish that was most likely influenced by Chinese noodle dishes. It is a staple food of Japan and enjoyed by many people worldwide in Japanese restaurants.  But have you ever considered how many calories there are in ramen? We will take a look at the different types of ramen and […]

  • Japanese Chopstick Etiquette Golden Rules For Holding And Using

    Japanese Chopstick Etiquette: Golden Rules For Holding And Using

    In Japan, chopsticks are referred to as Ohashi and are an integral part of Japanese culture. In addition to being used as utensils, they also represent a Japanese tradition of courtesy and manners. There are still some standards that are essential to adhere to even though chopstick etiquette in Japan isn’t as rigid as it […]

  • How To Make Chopsticks

    How To Make Chopsticks

    We’ve all used, or tried to use chopsticks, at some point in our lives, and you may have wondered exactly how they are made. Whether you are a novice or an expert, the origin of chopsticks and the process they go through is very interesting. We take a look at how to make chopsticks, although […]

  • Where Can I Buy Chopsticks

    Where Can I Buy Chopsticks?

    If you’re looking for chopsticks but are unsure where you can go to get them, we’re here to help you find exactly what you are looking for. We’ll take you through some of the different types of chopsticks, what they are used for, what they are made of and which accessories you may need. And […]

  • How To Make Onsen Egg

    How To Make Onsen Egg

    A lot of traditional Japanese food is prepared in very particular and unique ways in order to give it a taste and texture unlike anything else, and the biggest and most popular example of this is onsen egg, also known as onsen tamago in Japan.  Not only does it have a very long-lasting history and […]

  • What Are Somen Noodles

    What Are Somen Noodles?

    Noodles are perhaps one of the most popular and iconic foods from Japan. Noodles can be served in so many distinct ways, and can even be served alongside countless different dishes. You need look no further than one of Japan’s favorite national dishes, ramen, to see just how popular noodles are within the country.  But […]

  • How To Sharpen A Japanese Knife

    How To Sharpen A Japanese Knife

    Japanese knives are incredibly useful but they must be looked after and cared for properly in order for them to be at their very best. Indeed, if they are cared for correctly, Japanese knives can be used for a very long time. Of course though, if you have never owned a Japanese knife before or […]

  • What Are Bonito Flakes?

    What Are Bonito Flakes?

    There are a few cultures in the world that have their cooking marveled at to the point where whole restaurants are set up around them. Normally, these are countries with a long tradition of their people exploring and traveling to other countries and setting up their food as a business front. However, one of the […]

  • Is Japanese Food Healthy

    Is Japanese Food Healthy?

    Japanese cuisine is one of the most popular cooking styles worldwide. From Udon noodles to Miso soup to Sushi, there’s no debating that Japanese food is incredibly tasty.  But flavor aside, is Japanese food healthy? This is a question many fans of Japanese food ask themselves, and while there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a particular […]

  • How-To-Eat-Natto

    How To Eat Natto

    If you have just stumbled across natto, you might be wondering how to eat it. While loved by the Japanese, in the western world, we are not as familiar with its gooey and sticky texture. Traditionally, natto is placed on top of a bowl of rice. While at first it might look a little strange, […]

  • What Is Kamaboko

    What Is Kamaboko?

    Japanese cuisine has some of the most colorful and impressive dishes in the world. A lot of the food you’ll find in Japan is unique to the country and can be very difficult to find in other parts of the world. If you’ve ever gone to a Japanese restaurant, it’s likely that there are a […]

  • What Goes Well With Sushi

    What Goes Well With Sushi?

    Are you craving some sushi? Despite being totally delicious and an ideal way to enjoy Japanese cuisine, sushi can be elevated with a variety of different food dishes. The only question is, what goes well with sushi, exactly? This is a question many sushi lovers find themselves asking.  If you would like to find out […]