Kanji | Hiragana | Katakana |
零 | れい | レイ |
Pronunciation: rei
How to Say It Outloud: ray
Usage: Commonly used in formal or academic contexts.
Example Sentence Japanese:気温は零度まで下がりました。
Example Sentence English:The temperature dropped down to zero degrees.
Hiragana | Katakana |
ゼロ | ゼロ |
Pronunciation: zero
How to Say It Outloud: zeh-ro
Usage: Typically used in everyday conversation and when referring to numbers, especially in scientific contexts.
Example Sentence Japanese:彼の得点はゼロでした。
Example Sentence English:His score was zero.
Kanji |
〇 |
Pronunciation: maru
How to Say It Outloud: mah-roo
Usage: Used when reading out numbers in a phone number, room number, etc.
Example Sentence Japanese:電話番号は080-1234-5678です。
Example Sentence English:The phone number is zero-eight-zero-one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight.
0ゼロCommon word
Noun- zero; 0; nought; nil
- nothing; zilch
零れいCommon wordjlpt-n5
Noun- zero; nought
ゼロックスゼロックスCommon word
Noun- Xerox
- Xerox
Noun- zero divisor; null factor; nil factor
Noun- Zero fighter plane
Noun- zero suppression
- Zero suppression
Noun- null space
- Kernel (matrix)
NounSuru verb
- zerofill
Noun- zero address instruction
Noun- zero waste; waste prevention
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