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How to say Pretty In Japanese?

Pronunciation: kirei
How to Say It Outloud: key-ray
Usage: 綺麗 (kirei) is commonly used to describe something or someone that is aesthetically pleasing or clean. It can be used for both people and objects.
Example Sentence Japanese:その花は本当に綺麗です。
Example Sentence English:That flower is really pretty.
Pronunciation: utsukushii
How to Say It Outloud: oo-tsoo-koo-shee
Usage: 美しい (utsukushii) is a more formal or poetic way to say 'beautiful' and is often used to describe things in nature or fine arts.
Example Sentence Japanese:富士山はとても美しいです。
Example Sentence English:Mount Fuji is very beautiful.
Pronunciation: kawaii
How to Say It Outloud: ka-why-ee
Usage: かわいい (kawaii) is commonly used to describe something or someone that is cute or charming. It is often used for animals, babies, and young women.
Example Sentence Japanese:その子犬はとてもかわいいです。
Example Sentence English:That puppy is very cute.
Aura Ruggeri

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