Kanji | Hiragana | Katakana |
筋肉 | きんにく | キンニク |
Pronunciation: kinniku
How to Say It Outloud: kinniku
Usage: This term is used to refer to 'muscle' in the anatomical sense.
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
He goes to the gym every day to build his muscles.
Kanji | Hiragana |
筋 | すじ |
Pronunciation: suji
How to Say It Outloud: suji
Usage: This term can refer to 'muscle' or 'tendon' and is often used in a more general sense.
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
He injured a muscle in his arm.
筋肉きんにくCommon wordjlpt-n3
Noun- muscle
- Muscle
筋すじCommon wordjlpt-n3
Noun- muscle; tendon; sinew
- vein; artery
- fiber; fibre; string
- line; stripe; streak
- reason; logic
- plot; storyline
- lineage; descent
- school (e.g. of scholarship or arts)
- aptitude; talent
- source (of information, etc.); circle; channel
- well-informed person (in a transaction)
- logical move (in go, shogi, etc.)
- ninth vertical line
- seam on a helmet
- gristly fish paste (made of muscle, tendons, skin, etc.)
- social position; status
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- on (a river, road, etc.); along
- counter for long thin things; counter for roads or blocks when giving directions
- street (in Osaka)
- (Edo period) counter for hundreds of mon (obsolete unit of currency)
- Suji
NounSuru verb
Intransitive verb
- pulled or torn muscle
- Strain (injury)
心筋しんきんCommon word
Noun- heart muscle; cardiac muscle; myocardium
- Cardiac muscle
Noun- muscle
Noun- muscle; strength
割り込むわりこむCommon wordjlpt-n1
Godan verb with 'mu' endingTransitive verb
- to cut into (a line, conversation, etc.); to force oneself into (e.g. a crowd); to wedge oneself into; to squeeze oneself into; to intrude on; to interrupt
Transitive verb
- to fall below (of stock prices, sales, etc.); to drop below
Noun- pelvic floor muscle; pubococcygeal muscle; Kegel muscle
- Pubococcygeus muscle
NounNoun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- muscle tissue
Noun- extraocular muscle; external eye muscle
- Extraocular muscles
Noun- muscle stiffness (esp. in shoulders)
- lump (in tissue, esp. breast); swelling; hardening; lesion
- lingering discomfort; uneasiness; bad aftertaste; unpleasant feeling
Noun- transverse abdominal muscle; transversus abdominis muscle
- Transversus abdominis muscle
Noun- muscle fiber; muscle fibre
Noun- muscle cell; muscle cells
Noun- femoral muscle; thigh muscle
筋力きんりょくCommon word
Noun- physical strength; muscle strength
緊張きんちょうCommon wordjlpt-n3
NounSuru verb
Intransitive verb
- tension; strain; nervousness; stress
Suru verb
Intransitive verb
- tensions (between countries, groups, etc.)
- tonus; muscle tone
Noun- muscle of mastication
- Muscles of mastication
Noun- amyotrophia; muscle atrophy; disuse atrophy
- Muscle atrophy
Noun- muscle rupture; myorrhexis
- Pulled hamstring
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