Home » Good Luck In Japanese

How to say Good Luck In Japanese?

Pronunciation: ganbatte
How to Say It Outloud: gan-bat-te
Usage: Used to encourage someone to do their best.
Example Sentence Japanese:明日の試験、頑張ってね!
Example Sentence English:Good luck on your exam tomorrow!
Pronunciation: kouun wo inoru
How to Say It Outloud: ko-u-un wo i-no-ru
Usage: Formal way to wish someone good luck, implying that you are praying for their success.
Example Sentence Japanese:君の成功を心から幸運を祈る。
Example Sentence English:I sincerely wish you the best of luck.
Pronunciation: kouun wo inotteimasu
How to Say It Outloud: ko-u-un wo i-not-te-i-ma-su
Usage: Polite and formal way of wishing good luck.
Example Sentence Japanese:試合の成功を幸運を祈っています。
Example Sentence English:I wish you the best of luck for your match.
Pronunciation: gokentou wo inorimasu
How to Say It Outloud: go-ken-tou wo i-no-ri-ma-su
Usage: Very formal way to wish good luck, often used in written communications.
Example Sentence Japanese:ご健闘を祈ります。
Example Sentence English:I wish you much success.
Aura Ruggeri

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