Kanji | Hiragana | Katakana |
夢 | ゆめ | ユメ |
Pronunciation: yume
How to Say It Outloud: yoo-meh
Usage: Used to refer to experiences and images that occur in the mind during sleep or to aspire to something.
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
His dream is to become a doctor.
夢ゆめCommon wordjlpt-n4
Noun- dream
- Dream
理想りそうCommon wordjlpt-n3
NounNoun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
- ideal; ideals
- Ideal (ethics)
夢想むそうCommon word
NounSuru verb
Transitive verb
- dream; vision; reverie
Ichidan verbTransitive verb
- to dream (of)
Noun- wish; dream; prayer; one's desire
幻想げんそうCommon word
NounSuru verb
Transitive verb
- fantasy; illusion; vision; dream
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)Ichidan verb
- to dream (i.e. while asleep); to have a dream
Ichidan verb
- to dream (of the future)
Ichidan verb
- to have a fleeting experience
ドリームドリームCommon word
Noun- dream
思うおもうCommon wordjlpt-n4
Godan verb with 'u' endingTransitive verb
- to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon
Transitive verb
- to think (of doing); to plan (to do)
Transitive verb
- to judge; to assess; to regard
Transitive verb
- to imagine; to suppose; to dream
Transitive verb
- to expect; to look forward to
Transitive verb
- to feel; to be (in a state of mind); to desire; to want
Transitive verb
- to recall; to remember
悪夢あくむCommon word
Noun- nightmare; bad dream
- Nightmare
Noun- account of a dream
- fantastic story; wild tale; empty dream; pipe dream
- Yume Monogatari
Noun- (a) dream; (a) fleeting thing
NounSuru verb
Intransitive verb
- wet dream; nocturnal emission
- Nocturnal emission
Noun- a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow (metaphor for the transience of life)
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)Noun
- dream within a dream; (beyond) one's wildest dreams; entirely unrealizable dream; pie in the sky
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)Ichidan verb
- to dream of making a fortune at one stroke; to dream of getting rich quickly
Noun- dream that comes true
Noun- precognitive dream; foresight dream; prophetic dream
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)Noun
- long-cherished dream
Noun- lucid dream; dream in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming
- Lucid dream
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