Home » Dark In Japanese

How to say Dark In Japanese?

Pronunciation: kurai
How to Say It Outloud: koo-rah-ee
Usage: Used to describe something that lacks light or is gloomy.
Example Sentence Japanese:部屋が暗いです。
Example Sentence English:The room is dark.
Pronunciation: yami
How to Say It Outloud: yah-mee
Usage: Refers to darkness or the absence of light, often used in a more abstract sense.
Example Sentence Japanese:闇が深いです。
Example Sentence English:The darkness is deep.
Pronunciation: daaku
How to Say It Outloud: dah-ah-koo
Usage: This is the phonetic loanword from English, often used in modern contexts or to describe colors.
Example Sentence Japanese:ダークチョコレートが好きです。
Example Sentence English:I like dark chocolate.
Aura Ruggeri

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