Kanji | Hiragana |
雲 | くも |
Pronunciation: kumo
How to Say It Outloud: koo-moh
Usage: The word '雲' is used to refer to cloud(s) in Japanese.
Example Sentence Japanese:
Example Sentence English:
There are clouds floating in the sky.
雲くもCommon wordjlpt-n4
Noun- cloud
- Cloud
曇りくもりCommon wordjlpt-n3jlpt-n5
Noun- cloudiness; cloudy weather
- fog (on a mirror, glasses, etc.); cloud (e.g. in marble); blur; mist; shadow; dimness
- gloom; dejection
- Overcast
曇るくもるCommon wordjlpt-n5
Godan verb with 'ru' endingIntransitive verb
- to get cloudy; to cloud over; to become overcast
Intransitive verb
- to cloud up; to fog up; to mist up; to become dim
Intransitive verb
- to be gloomy; to be clouded (expression); to be downcast
Intransitive verb
- to look slightly downward (of a noh mask; indicating sadness, grief, etc.)
陰りかげりCommon word
Noun- shadow (e.g. on someone's happiness); cloud; shade; gloom
Noun- cloud; look of the sky; movement of clouds
- kabuki accessory representing a cloud
- type of strange mist appearing in the sky, used for divination
Ichidan verb- to cloud; to make dim or dull; to frown
Noun- cloud
- (the) cloud
- cloud computing; cloud service
Noun- thundercloud
Noun- cloud of dust (sand, etc.)
Noun- dust; cloud of dust
Noun- sky
- cloud
- distant place; high place
- imperial court
Noun- cumulonimbus cloud
- Cumulonimbus cloud
Noun- drifting cloud; floating cloud
- instability
Noun- fire cloud; pyrocumulus cloud; flammagenitus
Noun- cap cloud (cloud shaped like an Asian bamboo hat that forms at the peak of a tall mountain)
Noun- flammagenitus; pyrocumulus cloud; fire cloud
Noun- fog-like cloud; high fog; stratus cloud
Noun- roll cloud; rotor cloud
流れるながれるCommon wordjlpt-n3
Ichidan verbIntransitive verb
- to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to run (ink)
Intransitive verb
- to be washed away; to be carried
Intransitive verb
- to drift; to float (e.g. clouds); to wander; to stray
Intransitive verb
- to sweep (e.g. rumour, fire); to spread; to circulate
Intransitive verb
- to be heard (e.g. music); to be played
Intransitive verb
- to lapse (e.g. into indolence, despair)
Intransitive verb
- to pass; to elapse; to be transmitted
Intransitive verb
- to be called off; to be forfeited
Intransitive verb
- to disappear; to be removed
- Nagareru
立つたつCommon wordjlpt-n2jlpt-n5
Godan verb with 'tsu' endingIntransitive verb
- to stand (up); to rise; to get to one's feet; to stand on end (e.g. of hairs); to stick up
Intransitive verb
- to stand (in a position; of a person, tree, building, etc.); to be situated (in, on)
Intransitive verb
- to be (in difficulties, the lead, etc.); to put oneself (in a position or situation); to take up (a position, post, etc.); to position oneself
Intransitive verb
- to leave (to do something)
Intransitive verb
- to depart (on a journey, trip, etc.); to leave; to set off; to start
Intransitive verb
- to get stuck (into; of an arrow, thorn etc.); to pierce
Intransitive verb
- to develop (of a haze, waves, etc.); to form (of steam, bubbles, etc.); to appear (of a rainbow, clouds, etc.); to rise (of smoke, waves, etc.); to begin to blow (of a wind, breeze, etc.)
Intransitive verb
- to spread (of a rumour, reputation, etc.); to be become widely known
Intransitive verb
- to stand (for election); to run
Intransitive verb
- to take action; to act; to rise (up); to rouse oneself
Intransitive verb
- to have an erection; to become erect (e.g. of nipples)
Intransitive verb
- to be established (of a policy, plan, objective, etc.); to be formed
Intransitive verb
- to be valid (of an argument, logic, etc.); to hold up; to hold water; to stand up (e.g. of evidence); to be logical; to be reasonable
Intransitive verb
- to be sustained (of a living, business, etc.); to be maintained; to survive; to be preserved (of one's reputation, honour, etc.); to be saved
Intransitive verb
- to start (of a season); to begin
Intransitive verb
- to be held (of a market)
Intransitive verb
- to shut (of a door, shoji, etc.); to be shut; to be closed
Intransitive verb
- to be (the result of a division)
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